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12 Dirty text you can send to Your Girlfriend

It is always fun to tease our partner, sending him/her a message while you are in the same room and see their facial reaction. So here are some dirty texts you can send to your partner to tease him/her.

1. As of the end of 2019, Ghaziabad, India was the most dangerously polluted city in the world based on the Air Quality Index (AQI).

2. 90% of the global ocean waste matter comes from 10 rivers alone.

3. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be outnumbered by our dumped plastic.

4. We throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food every year, and more than half of it’s perfectly edible. Meanwhile, 1 in 7 people across the world doesn’t have enough to eat.

5. The kitchen, not the bathroom, is the dirtiest room in the house.

6. New York is, widely reported to be the world’s most wasteful city.

8. The amount of trash generated by the UK could fill Britain’s largest lake, Lake Windermere, in just 8 months.

9. Humans now buy a million plastic bottles a minute. Most of this plastic ends up in the ocean.

10. We’re estimated to have around 1,500 bacteria living on each square centimeter of skin on our hands. Areas such as underneath the fingernails and between the fingers often harbor even more.

11. Packaging material alone made up to one-third of an average dump. Every year, each American throws out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage that can be composted.

12. The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person per year.

Read more: How to encourage your meat-eater friend to adopt a vegan lifestyle

I hope you will send these messages to your loved ones and help us to spread awareness about the world threats we are facing. If you have some suggestion on which we should write too or you have any query and something else than you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others so they can also know about some dirty facts.