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Different ways to get new plants for free

Different ways to get new plants for free

Yes! You read it right, today we are going to learn how we all can make our tiny little forest for free.

When it comes to gardening or planting a new tree, we often go to plant nurseries for either seeds or saplings, sometimes we find what we need and sometimes we just get back with what they had or sometimes we just can’t afford it. So is there any better way to get the exact plant you want? And the answer is yes!

And it all starts with knowing about all the different ways plants make other plants. So let’s begin.

There are several ways to create new plants, each method suited for different types of plants. Here are some common methods:

Growing plants by seeds

Growing plants from seeds is a natural and straightforward method. Collect seeds from the fruits you eat every day, or from the plants nearby you. Provide the necessary conditions for the seed to grow into a tree. A seed needs the perfect combination of moisture, light and temperature. Apples, mango, beans, etc. are some examples of plants that grow from seeds.

The advantage of using the seed method is:

  • Diversity: Seeds can have a high diversity, which means each plant that grows from seed must be different from other seeds. This can be very beneficial because it can help plants evolve against pathogens and everyday changing environmental conditions.
  • Trees: Trees grown from seed tend to live longer, bear more fruit, and are more stronger.

How to do it:

  • You can either collect seeds from the plants in your surroundings or the things you eat.
  • If you are collecting seeds from the things you are eating then don’t forget to: wash them, dry them in the sun for 2-3 days and after that plant them in suitable soil or store them for future use.
  • If you are collecting them from the plant then, for fruits only pick the ripe one, that is fully matured and big. For vegetables, let it dry on the plant and when it is completely dry and hard you can collect the seeds from it. And if you are collecting for flowers then again only pick the dry flower pods which are crunchy when you crush them for seeds. 
  • And most importantly don’t forget to dry the seeds in the sunlight for at least 2-3 days, that removes all the moisture. which will keep them safe from fungus. And after that seeds are ready to store for years.
Growing plant from cutting

Take a cutting (a part of a stem or root) from a mature plant and place it in a suitable growing medium. Under proper conditions, the cutting will develop roots and grow into a new plant.

The benefit of using the cutting method is:

  • The new plant will be identical to the parent plant.
  • Making a new plant via cuttings avoids the difficulties that come when making a new plant by seed.
  • A new plant grown from a cutting will frequently mature faster and flower sooner than a plant grown from seed.

How to do it:

  • Choose a healthy plant from which you will going to take cuttings, Try to make sure that this plant is free from all pests attacks and diseases.
  • Using clean, sharp scissors or wire cutter, take a cutting from the mother plant. Cut just below a leaf node (the point where a leaf is attached to the stem). The cutting should typically be 4-6 inches long, with several leaves on it.
  • Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few leaves at the top.
  • Optional: Apply rooting hormone, some cuttings benefit from a rooting hormone powder or gel. Dip the cut end of the stem into the rooting hormone.
  • Put some soil in a pot, and insert the cut end of the cutting into the pot, making sure at least one leaf node is buried in the soil.
  • Water the cutting gently, ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged. 
  • Now just take care and wait, after a few weeks, you might get a new plant.
Growing by dividing plant

Plants that grow in a very bushy way can be divided into multiple sections. Each section with its own roots and shoots can be replanted as a separate plant. This method is common for plants like bamboo, grasses, marigolds and many more.

Growing by layer method

In the layering method, we try to grow new roots in plants without breaking them apart. Once roots have formed, the stem or branch can be separated and transplanted as a new plant. This method is way easier than the cutting method. 

Growing by grafting method

Grafting involves joining branches or stems from two different plants in a way that they grow together and function as a single plant. This method is often used in fruit trees to combine the desirable qualities of two different varieties into one plant.

The choice of making plants method depends on the type of plant, its characteristics, and the desired outcome. Some methods give us different plants from the mother plant, while others give us identical copies of the mother plant. Each technique has its advantages and is used based on what we want to get from it.

Read more: MAGIC OF MOSS

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