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How to encourage your meat-eater friend to adopt a vegan lifestyle

I’m a vegan myself and like others, I also have alot of meat-eater friends who used products made out of animals. So in this blog, I’m sharing some of my personal tips and trick you can do to encourage your friend to adopt a vegan lifestyle.

Tell the facts but don’t argue

The argument is like acid, a very strong acid. It can be used as a cleaner but only in the right places. If you use it in the wrong place like your skin, you can burn yourself. The same happens in friendship, if you argue too much related to some personal favorite things like food, cosmetics or something else with your friend then the argument works like an acid, that does nothing except burning the friendship. So I personally request don’t argue with your friend or any other love one related to vegan food or lifestyle.
You can tell them the facts like how unhealthy meat is for their health and how bad it is for our planet and yes of course how cruel it is for the animals.

Offer your Food

Many non-vegans think that vegan food is not tasty but I know how much tasty and healthy it is. You can offer your food to your non-vegan friend so they can know that it is tasty and healthy. And once they start liking the food they might eventually start eating that too.

Connet them emotionally

This one is my favorite and it works very well but I advise you to try only on your bestfriends. You can make them emotional to adopt a vegan diet and lifestyle, How? There are some ways to do that. Here is the list.

  • When you eat together you can say that I wish I could eat from your plate. Or if you would be a vegan I would certainly eat from your plate.
  • You can tell them fake stories like how you save some animal from saluting or something. I know it is a lie but In Hindi, there is a saying “Jis jhooth se kisi ka bhala ho, Woh jhooth-jhooth nahin hota” in English “A lie that benefits someone is not a lie”. The same applies here we are lying for good so it’s fine.
  • You can also give them some challenges like one week without meat, a weekend without meat, a cosmetic without cruelty or something to develop the vegan spirit.

Build confidence in them

Maybe your non-vegan friend wants to quit the meat or non-vegan products but they are not confident to tell you or to think that they can do that. So you should make them feel special whenever they make a small step toward veganism. because

“Big things have small beginnings.”

You can guide them on how they can do this.

Tell them about alternatives

These days mostly every non-vegan product has some kind of alternative available. That alternative is not just cost-effective but it also has much greater quality than the non-vegan product. You can tell your friends about those and encourage them to buy those alternative products.

These are some tips from us so you could Encourage Your Friend To Adopt a Vegan Lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle. I hope you will find this information helpful. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others and help them to take a step toward Veganism.