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How to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali

Diwali is known as the “Festival of Lights” and is one of the most important Hindu festivals in India. Diwali is celebrated to mark the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya along with Devi Sita and brother Lakshman after 14 years of exile (vanvaas).
On Diwali people clean their houses, decorate them beautifully with lights and other things, make rangoli, worship god, meet their loved ones, and burn fireworks.
The way we celebrate Diwali these days creates a lot of pollution and waste. And here you will find some ways to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali without creating a lot of waste and pollution so let’s begin…

Cleaning the house

Cleaning the house or shop is the first thing we do on Diwali, and while cleaning, we found some old memories and some surprises like old Rs. 500 and Rs.1000 notes lol. After cleaning we got a beautiful clean place, and a bunch of trash and unnecessary things. Many people throw this trash without thinking once and the problem starts from here.
There are so many things you can do with that trash and unnecessary things.

Decorating the house

After cleaning we jump into the next step which is decoration. At this level, Everyone tries their best to make their house look more beautiful than Sharma Ji,
I mean to say more beautiful than the neighbor’s house and a kind of competition starts. And this feeling of competition makes us buy things which are not good for the planet and create a lot of waste.

Most decoration stuff is made out of plastic and glass which is not good for the planet. You can replace this plastic decoration with some beautiful flower decoration stuff which will not just make your home beautiful but also fill your home with some amazing refreshing fragrance. You can also make some stuff yourself from the stuff you collected after the Diwali cleaning.
Rangolis are a huge part of Diwali celebrations. Pretty and colorful designs make our houses look beautiful, but synthetic colors are dangerous for the environment and unhealthy when inhaled and cause serious health issues. You can make rangoli from flowers or organic colors and celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali.

Diwali shopping

During the Diwali celebration, one thing that makes everyone excited is Diwali shopping! We always bought knowingly or unknowingly things which are harmful to the environment but by choosing the eco-friendly stuff except for the products which are made of harmful, pollution making things like plastic can make a really good chance. Here are something you can do while going shopping.

  1. Shopping means a lot of plastic bags. You can say ‘No’ to plastic shopping bags and use cloth bags when going out shopping.
  2. Buy clay Lakhmi Ganesha idol except for plaster of Paris (PoP).
  3. Buy eco-friendly cutlery like a bowl made of coconut shell, terracotta(clay) utilities, or wooden tray, etc.
  4. Avoid things which are made of leather.
  5. Try to avoid buying new things and go for second-hand or reuse your own stuff can make a significant change.

Don’t use firework

Many of you might already know that how harmful and dangerous fireworks are not just for the environment but for all living beings on the planet. Firework creates a loud voice that disturbs and irritates animals many rockets killed birds by hitting them and whatnot. It releases so many harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. These pollutants affect our health very negatively. You can read here more about fireworks. What can you do and what is the replacement of fireworks.

Save electricity consumption

I know Diwali is a festival of light, but electricity generation make a lot of pollution, here is how. By minimizing electricity usage you can make a really big change. Saving electricity helps by decreasing the burning of fuels, which contributes significantly to decreasing air pollution. This eco-friendly Diwali, replace your regular electrical decor with earthen diyas & lanterns and LED bulbs. Because LED bulbs require less consume less electricity. The energy on electronic lights is wasted a lot instead of this use the traditional way to celebrate the festival and light days and candles which are the better replacement of it. Chuck the Electronic lights and decorate interiors with scented candles and diyas. They will help to put on lights and save energy.


Hope this helps you to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others so they can also celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali.