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how to find about the native trees of your region

How to find about the native trees of your region

Do you know that many trees like Gulmohar and Eucalyptus are not native to India? They have been in India for ages and now become a part of our big trees family but despite being all the years these trees are still not that impactful when compared to all the good old native trees like peepal and neem.

A native tree is familiar and evolved to live in its environment, it knows what is right for it and the environment. For example, a native tree will require only the reasonable amount of water that is available in its surroundings, that way it will not be overusing water or any other nutrient. Also, many other plants animals or insect species keep control of over spread of any species. That way everything from plants to insects to animals has their needs fulfilled, without taking over any other species. This is the harmony mother nature has created in millions of years. But because of humans, this harmony has been disrupted.

What are the pros and cons of native and non-native trees?

Native trees, ones that have grown naturally in an area over hundreds of years, have many advantages. These trees have adapted perfectly to their local environments, requiring fewer maintenance and resources to grow. They’ve also evolved alongside local wildlife, providing them food and shelter, and supporting local biodiversity. Native trees also do not let spread any invasive species which disturb the whole ecosystem.

No-native trees come in many varieties but that also brings many different problems from water crises to degrading soil. For example, Eucalyptus in the hills of south India are degrading soil quality and the same goes with the chir pine trees in the Uttarakhand mountains.

How individuals can make a difference?

As an individual, you can make a huge difference. The first step is education: familiarize yourself with the native trees in your area, their benefits, and their identifying features. Consider planting native trees in your area. Participation in tree-planting events and other events offered by environmental organisations can help restore the health of our ecosystems, every tiny action contributes to the well-being of our planet. 

Here are a few tips about how you can find native trees in your area.

  1. The best way is to talk with the old people in your area. Ask them about what kind of plant used to be in this area when they were young.
  2. Read old books or poems or watch old movies based on your area.
  3. Visit your closest museums.
  4. Go to the old temples and try to find all the trees, mostly old temples and old buildings still having the same plants.
  5. Google it, you might find some helpful information but sorry to say Google is not very helpful when it comes to this.

Read more: Different ways to get new plants for free

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