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How to take care of a baby plant after planting it

Growing a new plant is always very exciting, whether you are buying it from a nursery or growing it from seeds or you stole cutting from your neighbours. We water it every day, making sure that it is getting enough sunlight and the soil is good but still after some time and after all of our love and care they just start to die, and it is really heartbreaking. So what is really going on? Today we are going to talk about how to take care of a baby plant.

Plants come in all shapes and sizes but to keep things simple we can separate plants according to their size into four types: Herbs, Small plants, Vines, and Trees. Just like humans, plants require certain elements to grow, reproduce, and survive. Plants need room to grow, the right temperature, light, water, air, and nutrients. When a plant does not get what it wants then the plant does not grow and in the end, starts to die.

Here are a few tips, that can make sure that you are taking good care of your baby plant.

When you are growing herb

  1. In general, herbs need full sun, but some can survive with as little as two hours of good sun per day. Herbs like basil, coriander, and Aloe Vera need full 6-10 hours of sunlight, while mints need less sunlight. Herbs have a stronger flavor and scent when they get enough sun. 
  2. Herbs are very tiny plants, they need very less amount of water. so make sure not to overwater them otherwise roots will rot.
  3. Herb plants do not require that many nutrients, so don’t put too much compost and other stuff in hopes of making it bigger quickly.

When you are growing small plant

  1. Mostly all plants need full sunlight, plant makes food by using sunlight. So make sure that it gets the right amount of sunlight.
  2. In the beginning, a baby plant will not need that much water, so just be very careful about the water you pour in. Overwatering makes plants very thin and weak. Plants’ roots search for water and while doing that, roots spread which makes a strong and thick plant structure. If all the roots are moist all the time then roots will not develop.
  3. Do not overfeed it up with nutrients in the beginning, make sure that it has been a few weeks then add any compost or cow manure.
  4. The baby plant needs support so that it can stay upright from the ground, it’s a very good idea to tie a stick with it.
  5. In the beginning, the roots and stems of baby plants are weak and need protection from the environment.

When you are growing vines

  1. Vine and climbers need something they can hold onto. It’s best to give them something they can climb and spread.
  2. In the beginning, vines are very delicate, so don’t put them in direct sunlight until there are 2-3 leaves on the vine. Even after planting it in the soil make sure that it does not get direct sunlight because vines spread by looking for sunlight. 
  3. Vine needs so many nutrients, that it’s best to add compost and other nutrients after 2 weeks.

When you are growing a tree

  1. Baby trees need regular watering for good health. If a Baby tree does not get enough water then the roots will be weak and will not reach deep in the ground.
  2. A young tree needs full sunlight so make sure it gets full sun of 8-10 hours a day.
  3. Check soil moisture, once a week 4-6 inches below the surface. Soil should be moist but not wet.
  4. Watch for signs of lack of water, Are leaves wilting, yellowing, curling or browning at the edges? That means it’s drying up.
  5. Plants and weeds compete with the trees for water and nutrients. Keep the base of the tree free of other living plants such as weeds or grass.
  6. Cover the ground with mulch, it will keep the soil moist and also will not let grow any weed or plant. Create a few-inch deep circle around the tree, and cover it with a 3- to 5-inch layer of mulch.
  7. A young tree needs support so that it can stay upright from the ground. Tie it down with a stick to keep it upright.

Read more: Different ways to get new plants for free

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