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Make-up or Wake-up?

These days Makeup is like dressing for most of us but the question is it should be like that? What should you Choose Makeup or Wakeup?
Most girls always carry at least one makeup item with them like lipstick, comb, cream etc. But the question is Why we use makeup, Why we like it so much? and Do we really need that much makeup in our life?

Why we use makeup?

I think everyone knows the answer – to look beautiful, agree but there is another answer which I think many few of you know. Makeup makes us more confident. According to research women who wear makeup feels more confident.

Makeup may make us confident but can it make us beautiful or it just creates a fake illusion? Now, this is a tricky question.


See nowadays, by beauty word we just think about physical appearance, but only physical beauty does not make someone beautiful. Many people don’t care or attracted by true beauty. By my words true beauty I think many of you might guess that what I am going to talk about. If you don’t then don’t worry I will explain more.

“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul.”

Many of you may still disagree with me but it’s also proved by research that makeup can’t contribute alot to beauty.

According to the research, while makeup did make faces more attractive on average, it only accounted for around 2% of the entire variation in attractiveness judgments. In other words, when someone makes a judgment of your attractiveness, makeup will only contribute to around 2% of that judgment. That much effort and money just for 2%, does not make any sense.

So we can say that makeup can’t make you truly beautiful then

what can make you truly beautiful?

  • Your thought, the way you think and treat others.
  • Understanding things like being healthy is a key to become truly beautiful
  • Accepting yourself and enjoying every movement of life.
  • You are what you think and eat. So your thinking and heart can make you beautiful some chemicals never make you beautiful.
  • Physical appearance can be decay or fade away with time but if you work on your inner appearance it will glow more with time.

These are some tips from us so you could take a step toward true beauty and a healthy lifestyle. I hope this information will help you to choose what should you do Makeup or Wakeup. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others and help them to take a step toward true beauty.