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new year new planet

New Year New Planet

A very happy new year to all of us!!!

Here we are at the tail end of the year, with all our regrets, past mistakes, and failures. But with every ending, there is a new beginning and that is how we are going to look forward to this new year, by thinking a bit more about the well-being of ourselves and our home by home means our planet.

No matter where we live, by thinking and taking small baby steps can lead us towards a healthy and green future. And to help you in this new journey, We have made you this whole list of things you can try to start doing this year.

So let’s begin!!!

I will always carry reusable bags to the shopping. (Difficulty: Easy)

We all know that plastic bags harm the environment so from now I will always carry a reusable bag whenever I go out shopping.


Yes, I heard you.

You always forget to carry it with you, It doesn’t look good, People always ask about it, This or that.

Here are some hacks to make it easy for you.

  1. Always keep a reusable bag in your backpack.
  2. Keep the bag somewhere near your entrance so that it’s always in front of your eyes.
  3. Buy fancy-looking clothes bags that go well with your looks.
  4. And for the last one, just ignore what others are saying.

Why does it matter?

  1. The world uses 500 billion plastic bags a year. Which is 160,000 bags per second.
  2. More than 10 Crore animals die every year because of plastic bags.
  3. In just a few years there will be more plastic than there is fish in the ocean.

Read more : A bottle filled with problems!


I will stop eating unhealthy packed food (Difficulty: Medium)

All the biscuits, chips, and chocolates are so bad for our health and now it’s not just us that is being affected, all the streets, rivers, mountains, and oceans everywhere we go, all filled with this type of garbage.

Because of easy availability, it is just so convenient to buy all these kinds of stuff. 

By stopping eating it, you are keeping yourself away from diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and whatnot. 


Yes, I got you!

Here are some hacks to make it easy for you.

  1. Eat healthy alternatives like Dry fruits, chana, peanuts, and fruits.
  2. Cook something for yourself at home.

Read more : Invest In The Most Valuable Thing

I will buy less and reuse more (Difficulty: Easy)

The most sold items in the world are clothing and fashion items. This includes shoes, accessories, and jewellery.

Now look around and try to understand do you really need more.

Does all that thing make your life any better?

If the answer is no then why waste all the money on it?

Buying new things is not just a burden on our wallets but also a burden on our planet. Every year trillions of tons of clothes are wasted. Many rivers are drained out just because of t-shirts and some crazy pants.

Yes, I know your buts are coming

Here are the tips to cope

  1. Take good care of your present clothes, by sorting them out. Set aside some of the clothes for special occasions that way you will always have fancy-looking clothes.
  2. Priorities comfort, believe it or not, we all know that our old worn out clothes are more comfortable than anything in the world.
  3. Take good care of your present smartphone by clearing out the space, you can transfer all the important data to an online server or on your computer that way you won’t have to buy a new phone.
  4. Buy quality products.
  5. Sharing is caring, exchanging clothes and other stuff with your friends and family.

Read more : The one and only example

I will walk more or use cycle more (Difficulty: Hard)

Yes, it can be really hard but that is what New Year resolution is about right? Challenging yourself and making new good habits.

By walking or cycling more, you will be more healthier and happier.

Walking a short distance instead of driving will not just reduce the size of your waistline but can also reduce emissions by 86 kg per year.

If half of the world starts doing it then in just one year we will stop more than 344 billion tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.

I will plant 10 trees (Difficulty: Hard)

Planting a tree is a very peaceful event, so this year decide to plant as many trees as you can. It will make your surroundings more green, which directly impacts your mental health.

Here is how to do it

  1. First of all look for the kind of tree that should be planted in your region, that will increase the survival rate and impact of that tree
  2. It’s best to plant in monsoon season.
  3. Buy a plant from a nursery and then pick an open, flat area away from buildings, roads and any place which can be constructed soon.
  4. Water the soil on planting day before you dig the hole. 
  5. Dig the hole put your new plant in it and then water it, keep visiting your plant for a few months and water it.

If you still find this very challenging then

  1. Join some community, which does all these kinds of stuff.
  2. Donate to plantation organization.

Read more : How to get new plants for free

I will start volunteering (Difficulty: Easy)

Volunteering for something is like giving something back. You will feel like you are part of something big and far more important than anything. If you want to get started volunteering, find an organization that’s a good fit for you, and then decide what you have to offer. It can be your physical help or some mental help. The world out there needs people who can help to make this world better, you can start doing this year.

How to do it?

  1. Find the thing which you care about most like animals, plantation, cleanup drives, people, and many more.
  2. Find some organizations on the internet and join them
  3. Start a small local community service group with your friends, family or neighbors.

I will adopt an endangered species (Difficulty: Hard)

Earth is currently going through a very hard time, plants, animals, ocean almost everywhere we see its just begging for help. According to the data, more than 1 million species from plants to animals to insects are in danger of extinction. That means we will never be able to see either our favourite kind of fruit or butterfly or tree or any flower or bird. 

Ok but what can I do about that?

You can make a difference, you can save them by gathering information about them or by raising awareness about them.

How to do it?

  1. Google about all the endangered species in your local area or anywhere in the world.
  2. Pick any of them you want.
  3. Gather up the information.
  4. Join some organization that protects them.

Read more : Wild cats of the world

If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others so they can all have a very happy and healthy new year new planet.