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A bottle filled with problems!

Have you guessed what I’m going to talk about from the title? I think no because my SEO says that “Title doesn’t have the main keyword” and I should add the main keyword that is “Plastic Bottle problem” in the title. Anyway, let’s talk about the main topic “Plastic Bottles” and why it is a problem.
I don’t know how many people know that plastic bottles are a big problem but for those who know this, I have only one thing to say “You Guys are really smart” and of course I’m also included in those smart guys.

These days plastic bottles are now literally everywhere from our refrigerators to rivers. I’m not just talking about the water plastic bottles but also about the others which include shampoo bottles, oil bottle, cold drinks bottle and other kinds of bottles. I’m pretty sure that everyone bought these plastic bottles in their life. But do you know that Now, one million plastic bottles are sold every minute and the number of bottles sold yearly will increase to 583.3 billion in 2021? and this huge figure can show you that how big this problem is?
We bought bottles without thinking that where they will end and when we do things without considering their effects and end-result then that thing will certainly create a problem.
Now we know the problem but what can we do?
I know if I say that stop buying all plastic bottles then it is a nearly impossible and very theoretical thing to say.

So here are some things we can do to cope with this “bottledemic”.

  • Carry a reusable bottle with you.
    There are several benefits of carrying a reusable water bottle. Imagine you are in a very adventurous mood and you go so far from the city area, or on hiking or in the jungle where there is no sign of water. And because of the extreme sun heat, you are sweating like S*!t. What will you do now if you don’t have your reusable bottle?
    It also saves money, time, and our planet.
  • Collect all the bottles you have and recycle them.
  • Try not to buy bottles.
    When you go outside and want to drink some water or other types of stuff try to control yourself and try not to buy that stuff which comes in a plastic bottle. Try to search for some alternative.
    The same applies to shampoo bottles and other kinds of stuff. Try to find an alternative like shampoo bar natural beauty products to avoid unnecessary bottle buying.
  • Reuse the bottles you already have.
    There are plenty of ways to do that. You can find some amazing idea’s here.

  • Share this blog and some other information related to the same to spread awareness among others.


I hope you will find this informative and helpful. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others so they can also help us solve this Plastic bottle problem.