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Things you should do and avoid in the Corona Pandemic

In this Corona Pandemic when the virus is spreading more rapidly than the fake news, we all need to get ready to fight it. I agree it’s hard but it’s not impossible. All you need is to get ready. So in this blog, I am sharing some Do’s and Don’t which can help you to cope with the virus. We will look at the things you should do and the things you should avoid in this Corona Pandemic. So let’s begin…

Things you should certainly Do

Stay hydrated – Even though you may not be thirsty or hungry, it is important that you continue to eat and drink fluids to support your body’s ability to fight the virus and support your body’s immune function.
Drinking water and clear liquid beverages are important even if you do not feel thirsty. you need to replace your body’s losses and thin your respiratory secretions.

When you are dehydrated, your respiratory secretions thicken and are hard to clear from your lungs. Being unable to clear your secretions from your lungs may lead to pneumonia.

Help others- This pandemic is also a kind of test of humanity. Helping others in any way can really make a big difference and by helping others we can get rid of this virus very soon.

Here are some things you can do

  • Many people have lost their loved ones so now what they need is emotional support and care. You can support them emotionally and economically.
  • By provided trustable leads about oxygen cylinder, hospital beds and other things.
  • Spreading information to others mostly to rural areas.
  • You can also help by Donating plasma, blood and other things to the needy.

Follow the Rules- I know this time is difficult being at home every day. It may make you bored but it can save someones and your life.
So it’s a kind of giveaway and the more we would follow the rules the quickly we can get rid of this. Use the mask and other things as well to get protection from coronavirus.

Healthy diet- Healthy diet helps you to increase your immunity and with strong immunity, you can fight the virus. It can also help you to get natural herd immunity if you get infected with the coronavirus. It is very important that you add a good amount of fruits, vegetables and other healthy food to your diet to increase immunity.

Things you should avoid in Corona Pandemic

Panic- Panic is the thing that makes things even worse. So please try not to panic. Understand the situation and try to find the solution. It reduces your thinking power and creates a negative environment around you which can also make other panics.

Touching your face- Coronavirus can live on some surfaces for up to 72 hours. You can get the virus on your hands if you touch these surfaces like the door nob.
Avoid touching any part of your face or head, including your mouth, nose, and eyes. Also, avoid biting your fingernails. This can give coronavirus a chance to go from your hands into your body.

Stop shaking hands and hugging people- We all love hugging our friends and loved ones but we need to give this habit a little pause because shaking hands or hugging each other virus can transfer to one another.
Similarly, avoid touching other people. Skin-to-skin contact can transmit Virus from one person to another.

Eating or drinking in public places- Now is not the time to go out to eat. This means you should avoid restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and other eateries.
The virus can be transmitted through food, utensils, dishes, and cups. It may also be temporarily airborne from other people in the venue.
You can still get delivery or takeaway food. Choose foods that are thoroughly cooked and can be reheated.
This means it may be best to avoid cold foods from restaurants and all food from buffets and open salad bars.

Crowded Event- Being in a group or gathering makes it more likely that you’ll be in close contact with someone.
This includes avoiding all religious places of worship, as you may have to sit or stand too close to another congregant. It also includes not gathering at parks or beaches.

These are some Do’s & Don’t from us about Corona Pandemic. I hope you will find this information helpful. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others and help them to take a step toward Veganism.