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10 Shocking and interesting facts about trees

We all know the importance of tree but they are not just important they are also full of interesting things. Here are some facts about them which will give you a very clear picture of their importance. We have present these facts in most interesting manner with our Beautiful graphics.

1. There are 60,000 tree species in the world and many are threatened with extinction.

2. A single tree produces approx. 260 pounds of oxygen per year. That means two mature trees can supply enough oxygen annually to support a family of four.

3. A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree.

4. Research suggests that being around trees is GOOD FOR OUR MENTAL and social well-being.

5. Worldwide, deforestation is estimated to be responsible for about 12% of greenhouse gas emissions.

6. Over the course its life, a single tree can absorb ONE TON of carbon dioxide.

7. A large oak tree can drink over 350 liters of water a day.

8. A shade tree can help cool your home by as much as 20 degrees in the summertime.

9. It would take about 8 of these trees to produce between 454 kgs of paper.

10. 15.3 billion trees are chopped down every year.

So we can say that trees are very important and we should plant more trees and we should do our best to protect them. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share these facts with your family, friends and others to spread awareness.