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earth hour 2024

What is Earth Hour?

Have you ever wondered what life was like before electricity? How would it be if we tried living without electricity? Would we be able to see more stars or maybe even the Milky Way at night?

What is Earth Hour?

So for all of you, there is an event called Earth Hour, in this event, everyone has to switch off their light but we can also switch off our electronic stuff (air conditioners, TV, computers and video games) for one hour to show that we really care about the planet and we can also get to experience that primitive life with no electricity.

In Earth Hour we should try to spend some quality time with just our planet, no electricity, no internet, no phones, no TV, just you and your surroundings. Take a walk outside or just sit quietly in your garden or balcony, look at the sky, might see more stars.

When is Earth Hour?

The World Wide Fund (WWF) organizes this event, which typically takes place on the last Saturday of March each year, from 8:30 pm. to 9:30 pm. 

And everyone can participate from wherever they are, just by turning off some switches. Earth Hour try to spread awareness about environmental issues, like climate change, water crises, pollution of air, water and soil, deforestation and many more. The first Earth Hour took place on March 31, 2007, in Sydney, Australia. And this year it is happening on Saturday, 23 March, 2024, 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm.

Impact of Earth Hour

Earth Hour has reduced electricity consumption by an average of 4% in 10 countries over six years. For example, in 2022, Vietnam saved 309,000 kWh of electricity, and Delhi saved 279 MW during Earth Hour 2023. 

And just every individual can also save electricity, and make an impact in the world.

This event is a great reminder that every tiny step, when taken by billions, can have a HUGE impact on the environment. It also reminds governments and businesses that we know about the crises we are going through which might make them take a deeper look at their action as well.

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