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snake bites

What to Do and Not Do if a Snake Bites You

Snake bites can be scary, but knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference. Whether you’re a hiker, a nature enthusiast, or just someone who wants to be prepared, understanding how to handle a snake bite is important. 

Here’s a very simple and easy to understand guide on what to do—and what not to do—if you or someone nearby is bitten by a snake.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Snake Bite

1. Stay Calm

Don’t panic: Keeping calm is the main thing. Panicking can increase your heart rate, which might spread the venom more quickly through your body. Remember, most snake bites can be treated effectively with proper medical care.

2. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Call for help: Dial emergency services or get to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence in treating snake bites.

Avoid home remedies: There are no effective home treatments for snake bites. Professional medical intervention is necessary to manage the venom and its effects.

3. Limit Movement

Keep still: Try to stay as still as possible. Movement can accelerate the spread of venom.

Stay awake: Avoid sleeping or lying down if possible. Keeping awake helps monitor your condition and react very fast to any changes.

4. Properly Bandage the Wound

Apply a bandage: While it’s important to keep the bitten area immobilized, do not bind it tightly with any cloth. Use a bandage to lightly wrap the area, but ensure it’s not too tight to cut off blood circulation.

What Not to Do After a Snake Bite

1. Don’t Attempt to Suck Out the Venom

Cutting and sucking are myths: Despite what you might have seen in movies, cutting the wound and attempting to suck out the venom is not only ineffective but also dangerous. This can lead to further infection and injury.

2. Avoid Traditional Remedies and Superstitions

No exorcists or faith healers: Snake venom requires medical treatment, not rituals or exorcisms. Trust science and head to a hospital for proper care.

3. Don’t Try to Catch or Kill the Snake

Leave the snake alone: If you encounter a snake, do not attempt to catch or kill it. This can lead to additional bites. Instead, note the snake’s appearance to help medical professionals identify the species, which can be helpful for treatment.

4. Don’t Waste Time

Immediate action is crucial: Do not delay seeking medical attention. Every minute counts when dealing with a snake bite, so prioritize getting to a hospital quickly over anything else.

Additional Tips for Handling Snake Encounters

1. Preventive Measures

Wear protective clothing: When hiking or exploring areas known for snakes, wear long pants and boots to reduce the risk of bites.

Stay on paths: Stick to well-trodden paths and avoid tall grass or underbrush where snakes might be hiding.

2. Know Your Snakes

Educate yourself: Learn about the types of snakes in your area. Knowing which snakes are venomous can help you react appropriately if you encounter one.

3. Create a Safe Environment at Home

Snake-proof your surroundings: Keep your yard clean, remove piles of debris, and ensure your home is sealed to prevent snakes from entering.


Snake bites are serious, but with the right knowledge and quick action, they can be effectively managed. Remember to stay calm, seek medical help immediately, and avoid common myths and misconceptions. By understanding what to do and what not to do, you can better protect yourself and others in the event of a snake bite.

Stay safe, stay informed, and always respect wildlife. Your quick and calm response can make a life-saving difference.

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