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wild cats of the world

Wild Cats of The World

When we talk about wild cats of the world, We can only take a few names like Lion, Tiger, Leopard and all but there are around 40 known species of wild cats in the world. Some of them roar, While others can run faster than a car, Some have family and some live alone. Some of them weight more then 400kgs while other are smaller and just 20-30kg.

But despite being different they have so many similarities like they all are great predators and only survive on meat, With a highly developed sense of smell and hearing, These predators have a big advantage over most of their prey. Their eyesight is no better than ours during the day but in the night they are able to see eight times better than us in the dark which helps them to catch their prey, Wild cats stay active at night when their prey can’t see them coming toward them.

So we can say that just like love, Cats comes in all shapes and sizes.

To better understand let’s start putting them into category

wild cats of the world
African Lion

The African Lion : African lions are the typical image of a lion, African lions are found well yes you guessed it right! In Saharan Africa, But in the past, These lions used to roam around the whole of Africa, Asia and Europe. These lions mainly live in the grasslands or open forests, Where they can easily hide and hunt down their prey, But they are able to survive in most habitats except rainforests and deserts. These lions are the only cats that live in groups, Which is called pride. In a typical pride family, There are around two to 40 lions, including three to five males, a dozen females, and cubs. Female lions are the main hunter and leader of the pride family. These days lions have lost over 90% of their habitat, And the main reason behind that is poaching. 100 years ago, The lion population was approximately 200,000.

Population – about 23,000
Height – around 4ft
Length – around 10ft
Weight – around 250kg

katanga lion

The Asiatic Lion : Nearly all wild lions live in the African Sahara, but one population of Asiatic lions exists in India, in the forest of Gir in Gujrat. Asiatic lions and the African lions have the same ancestor. In appearance, The Asiatic lion is a bit smaller than the African lion and has a dark brown mane. When it comes to social behaviour Asiatic lions do not prefer to live with large pride families but they live with very small pride. Gujrat is the only place on earth where one can see these lions in their natural habitat.

Population – more than 600
Height – around 3.5ft
Length – around 6 ft
Weight – around 200kg

The Katanga Lion : These lions are one of the largest lions in the world, Katanga lions no longer live in their natural habitat and were nearly wiped out because of trophy hunting.

Population – Just left very few of them in captivate
Height – around 5 ft
Length – around 9.8 ft
Weight – around 250kg

white lion

White Lion : White lions are among the rarest animals in the world, White lions are a rare colour mutation of the African lion, Due to some mutations they lack developing a pigment that makes skin dark. Their white colour stands out in Africa’s wild bush country, Increasing their risk of being targeted and killed by hunters and adult male lions.

Population – less than 13
Height – around 3 ft
Length – around 6 ft
Weight – around 200kg

masai lion

Masai Lion : Masai lions are recognized by their long legs and thin body. These lions have the ability to adapt to their environment at high or low altitudes. they live in the Masai Mara National Reserve and the surrounding area in Africa.

Population – 800-900
Height – around 3 ft
Length – around 6 ft
Weight – around 150kg

siberian tiger

Siberian Tiger : Tigers may be the largest among big cats but Siberian tigers are the largest within the species. Its average size is around 5 – 7 feet long, and some males can reach 10 feet or more and weigh up to 450 kg. They are the only tigers that can survive in snow. They are usually found in North Asia (Russia, China, Korea).

Population – around 500
Height – around 3-4 ft
Length – around 10 ft
Weight – around 450kg

bengal tiger

Bengal Tiger : The Bengal tiger is one of the most well-known tigers In fact, It’s probably what comes to mind when you picture a tiger. A grown-up Bengal Tiger can reach 9 feet in length. This big cat can consume over 30-40 kg of meat in one meal and then feel no necessity to search for another 3 weeks. They are found in the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh)
Weight – 250kg
Height – around 3 ft
Length – around 6 ft
Population in : India – 2,603–3,346, Bangladesh – 300–500, Nepal – 355 , Bhutan – 90

white tiger

White Tiger : Only around 200 white tigers exist in the world today. All of them live in zoos, theme parks, or in pet collections. White Tigers are not a separate species of tiger. All white tigers are a color variation of Bengal tigers. In the wild, White Tigers are born in 1 in 10,000 births. In appearance white tiger have for blue eyes and blue eyes are linked to the gene for white fur. So while most Bengal tigers have yellow eyes, white tigers have blue eyes.
Weight – 250kg
Height – around 3 ft
Length – around 6 ft

Indochinese tiger

Indochinese Tiger : Indochinese tiger is found around the Indochina region of Asia. Its biggest populations are in Thailand, Burma and Vietnam.

Illegal trade is the main reason for its decline in population. These tigers are getting hunted for rituals, medicines, clothes, jewelry and wines, claws and bones even for their internal organs.

Population – around 350
Weight – around 150
Length – around 7-8 ft

Malayan tiger

Malayan Tiger : The Malayan tiger has many similarities with the Indochinese tiger. Regardless of what you call them, Malayan tigers are in trouble. They’ve gone from endangered to critically endangered in recent years, and their numbers are still on the decline. They are found in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Burma)
Population – less than 200

south china tiger

South China Tiger : The South China tiger is an extremely rare species. In fact, it might even be functionally extinct. There are only 30 – 40 of them left, and they’re all in zoos. found in Central and Eastern China (Hunan, Fukien, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces)
Population – 30-40

sumatran tiger

Sumatran Tiger : They tend to be smaller than other breeds. They’re only slightly shorter, and only found in Indonesia
Population – 500


Jaguars: The word ‘jaguar’ comes from the indigenous word ‘yaguar’, which means ‘he who kills with one leap’. Jaguars hunt both in the day and at night and usually travel up to 10km a night when hunting. Jaguars have a more powerful bite than any other big cat. Their teeth are strong enough to bite through the thick hides of crocodilians and the hard shells of turtles.  About 10% of jaguars have evolved to have black coats, And these are knows and black panther.

Jaguar are the third-largest cats in the world and are only found in central and south America. jaguars prefer to live in rainforests, swamps and floodplains, Jaguars are brilliant swimmers and love to swim. Mexico to Argentina across 18 countries and Brazil holds around half of the wild jaguars in the world
Population – around 173,000
Weight – around 150 kg
Length – around 6ft


In Latin ‘leopard’ means ‘spotted lion’ in Latin. And soon we will know why…

Leopards are known for their unique skill set of adaptation to their environment, making them one of the most successful wild cats in the world. They are found in Africa, Many parts of Asia, India and China. This is one cat that doesn’t need any help getting down from a tree. The leopard is so comfortable up there that it often stalks prey and even takes its kills up into the branches. Leopards are fast in the big cats and can run at up to 58km/h! They’re super springy, too, and can leap 6m forward through the air. While being the smallest among the big cats, Leopards are the most successful. They have been even found living around the world most busiest cities and places. Their tail is nearly as long as their body which helps them in climbing trees.

Leopard cubs are born almost blind. The mother hides her cubs and moves them from one safe location to the next until they are old enough to begin playing and learning to hunt. When the cubs are about two years old, They live on their own. 

There are many types of leopards found all around the world.
Sri Lankan Leopard, Javan Leopard, Indochinese Leopard, Amur Leopard, North-Chinese Leopard, Persian Leopard, Arabian Leopard, Indian Leopard, African Leopard, And Black Leopard.

Population – around 250,000
Weight – around 45 kg
Length – around 5ft

snow leopard

Snow Leopard : Knows as the “ghosts of the mountains,” Snow leopards are notoriously difficult to notice. Thanks to their camouflage and their preference for isolated habitats. Snow Leopards only lives in the steep, rocky mountains of Central Asia, which includes the Himalayas. They prefer dry, treeless, vegetated slopes. In the summer, They travel 10,000 to 20,000 feet above tree lines. Snow Leopards are more like tigers than leopards but they can’t roar.

Population – 4000-6500
Weight – around 30-50 kg
Length – around 7 ft
Height – around 2 ft

clouded leopard

Clouded leopard : These cats can be found living in tropical forest habitats throughout the Himalayas and Southeast Asia and China. Their climbing ability is excellent, and they will go out of their way to climb trees and walk among the branches. It’s common for them to rest on top of these trees during the day and hunt at night. Clouded Leopard are very small, They weigh around 20kg but despite being so small their teeth are as big as tigers. Their tails are very long and they use them to maintain their balance when climbing. The clouded leopard’s paws are also incredibly flexible and they can rotate them to make their way back down tree trunks. Their paws also help with hanging upside down. Just like Snow leopard they can’t roar.
Population – around 10,000
Weight – around 20kg
Length – around 3 ft
Height -around 2 ft

sunda clouded leopard

Sunda clouded leopard : Also knows as tree tiger or branch tiger Sunda clouded leopard lives in the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They are vary similar to clouded leopards.
Population 4,500
Weight – around 20kg
Length – around 3 ft
Height – around 2 ft


Cheetah are the fastest mammal on land, Cheetah can reach speeds of 97 or 113 kilometers an hour over short distances and for doing that cheetah have great lungs that takes 150 breaths a minute when running and , up to 60 at rest. They are only found in Africa.

Population – around 7,000
Weight – around 45kg
Length – around 3 ft
Height – around 2 ft


Cougar : Cougars can be found throughout Canada, the United States, Central America and South America. The geography of the areas where they live can be extremely varied, from forests and swamps to mountain terrain. Cougars roam from 150 to 1000 km. The cougar has more names than any other animal (world record), such as the mountain lion, silver lion, Mexican lion, mountain screamer, red tiger, panther, puma, deer tiger, mountain cat and catamount. Cougars are the fourth largest cat of all wild cats. Cougars do not roar, but they can purr like a housecat.
Population – around 50,000 Pumas are left
Weight – 50-100kg
Length – around 3 ft
Height – around 2 ft


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